Saturday, 14 July 2012

Ahoy there 20-12

Aha me hearties, this is more like it, the life of the sails on the high seas, squaring off in the rigging, high in the crow's nest, like a couple of old sea dogs, Vin and meself, old veterans of the Cape of Good Hope. Aha yass me boyos there is no life like a big mainsail square-rigger at sea. No sight like the big seas off the coast of Ballycastle, Giants. And this boat, the Duke of Britanny is a fine dandy of a boat. Shame about the sister ship the HMS Venerabile which has been dogged by some big sheilas of storms this weather of late, this past year, lying up she is in dry dock with the SS Duke of Normandy, like an old corvette we used to know called the Guillaume le Conquistant, and now is reduced to a hospital ship near Newfoundland, whose banks are always threatening deep on the Hudson Bay River and muskets afew, bedad bedad. Ahoy there, must get off now, south seas approaching below the Azores and the big sandbanks are dead ahead. Ahoy there captain Hudson and the good midshipman on board the HMS Edmund Campion.