Friday, 13 January 2012

Aha me hearties

Tis rough on these high seas north of Darwin. We never seem to catch up with the double-dealing French in their dastardly navy, and we know that our target ship today, the SS Andrea de Haddon is secretly transmitting messages and information on RN ships back to Napoleon hidden in his red nay purple velvet coach and bunker and seated among his burgundy chaise longues. Ah yes, the SS Haddon is a double dealing sort of frigate that has often explained its position as lying off some coast or other near Darwin but in fact is up north in the salonettas of the ports of the China Seas like Macao pouring out its guts to to some corvette from Napoleon. And then there is that total cretinous captain of the New French Navy, Capt Inigo de Botelier, who seems to think that Napoleon respects englishmen who go over to his dark black fleets. So Napoleon is not as orthodox or as respectable as he looks, and his navy blue frock coat is a farce and a fiction as he lets go with his grey jacket in private and looses cannonballs on unsuspecting boys of the Greenwich Naval Colleges while they are saying their christian prayers in their private collegiate chapels on their ships. A real dastardly and mutley couple this one, Haddon and Napoleon, and all festooned by the egit right wings of Paris as heroes of the new right and as orthodox defenders of the old 1789 franco-prussian revolution they offiicially dress up for. Like the SS Down-on-Connor captained by her ladyship Lady Emma Hamilton de Foxe MacDonald.

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