Friday, 17 November 2023

Ahoy HMS Brinklow

Ahoy there me hearties out here on the open Seas with the ghost ship, the HMS Marie Celeste, plying these northern waters chin above water to the north just above Iceland.

Three French Frigates have been caught in open waters recently in this Napoleonic Campaign to the north and east of the choppy waters off NFLD, the MV Hudsonia, a stocky little thing full of guns, the MV Cestino, also stocked with weapons for use against innocent sailing pleasure boats, and the MV Ferrero Rocher, chock full of diplomats and ambassadors to the French Court of Napoleon III and his Empress Eugenie who was keen to have them deliver some portrait paintings back home to France from the New World of New France, portraits of victims of those old French Red Indian Huron Campaigns such as Generale Munroe the Scots general after the Battle of Fort Andrew, these were pursuing some 2 unlikely RN Corvettes in those waters by the icebergs of Newfoundland, the HMS Coventry and the HMS Brinklow, the sailors on board stuffing their faces with deli beli sandwiches at the time when sighted, when the French Frigates came across a reef just under the surface and hit some ice too, breaking into their slimline tar coated wooden keels, so they have begun to founder in such inhospitable waters, inhospitable at the best of times. The 2 Corvettes took some broadsides and some long range incendiary devices and shells but have managed to avoid obvious damage and slipped away into the channels to Greenland and Iceland and then home to British and Celtic and Faroe waters. Nice escape. Tricky waters those around Newfoundland with some self-generated problems for unwary foolish pointing captains and their wooden Rekjaviker ships and gunners and that even with experienced captains of the French lines. Experienced but adventurous explorers. Sunk this morning when the Icelandic gunboats appeared to finish. 

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