Thursday, 13 October 2011

Actually there is none

Actually there is no warship out there that can really threaten the Royal Sovereign of the Seas, which is a huge ship built in honour of Henry VIII's Mary Rose, and commissioned originally by the hanoverian George III. Not even the Marshall Ney flagship the SS Neptune is quite up to taking on this beast. Yes the Royal Navy is quite pleased with the royalty ships among the ships of the line. Still the theory goes, so as not to make us complacent, that a few little pairs of picket ships of the French, like the SS Butt and the SS Petrina, when paired up as a vicious couple, can always do a bit of damage to a big teuton warship like the Sovereign. And also the napoleonic SS Neptune has a vicious habit of pairing up with coal ships like the SS Antonia, which emits a shrill bleep when shooting its very old pair of canons, as captained by Chief Petter Officer Shrew and his able bodied seaman DS Oscotia, to deliver the odd barrage against Royal ports such as Kingstown Jamaica. These couplings are legendary among the officers of the Royal Navy back at Greenwich who often dine out on their experiences of vicious animal couplings of the napoleonc navies. Marshall BC Ney has a tendency to make vicious and very common concourse with young Spanish frigates from around the corner from the Venerable ports of Brest down by Cadiz, where Brit sailors still do homage to the statue of the Virgin that previous sailors damaged in a battle. Anyway these vicious couplings when 3 lots are put together, as with the SS Milner and the SS Sherington can be quite destructive if they pin their man against the coast or on the rocks of Gibraltar. Our thoughts today go to Capt PD Boyle who served long and hard on board the USA warship the USS Lexington STD.

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