Sunday, 23 October 2011

Aha ahoy there in the nest

Ahoy there boyos in the crows's nest up there. These boys inthe nest are a good lookout of a crop of young lads, mostly from solid schools around Greenwich. But they are good at spotting the problem of what we call the Franglais, since these are anglais that have gone over to the French and their Napoleon and still sport english colours, lingo and english manners, with very public school, Oxon, and slightly exagerrated tributes to our goodly king. Les franglais are les miserables venerables though, because though they often put on a brave and somewhat snooty face, many of their working class lads give the game away when they are dancing on the bars of Paris and Rome and Berlin of the Three Sicilies. A snooty lot they try to be, and very pukkha before the foreigners, but treason is always found in their secret backroom cabins with the signals of Ney, Castiche, and Napoleon on their lips. A double dealing lot les miserables venerables and tricky to spot, though oddly enough, their union jacks are curiously flown upside down.

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