Friday, 18 April 2014

Aha ahoy there

Ahoy there me hearties. My heart goes out to Admiral Tipper and General Blucher, as there are so many false prussian boats bearing false prussian colours at the moment on the 7 seas, false ships that we have come across so far include, the SS MaccieD Tipper, the SS Fabrizio Gneisenau, the SS Claudio Tirpitz, the SS Prinz Eugen Eugene, the SS Doppio-faccio Kerr, the SS Walter Whitman, the SS Ralphe Emerson, the SS Vincenzo le bon, the SS Jeremy Fisherman, the SS Ordinariat, the SS Vikariat von Steubenville, the SS Rathaus O Morgan, the SS Bacardi Rum, the SS Fleischmann von Rommell, the SS Lebeaupin von Huber, the SS Killermann von Mozart, the SS Shallenberg von Tyrrell, the SS Schuster von Mannfried, the SS Marienfest von Isaacs, the SS Willy Whitehead, the SS Raphaella von Venerati, the SS Karen le Dade, the SS Rachel le Hemming, the SS Theodore Davey Jones, the SS Alamo Crockett, the SS Sir Edmundo O Burke, the SS Joe Icel Keenan, the SS Frederick von Turner, the SS Shellington von Marien-Definition, the SS Cuidado Tito. the SS Malcome le Nott, the SS Burco Aqua Bollente, the SS Garibaldi Garabandido el Gringo, the SS Martina O Hayes, the SS Mikhail Petronellus O Gorz, and the sluggish SS Vlad the Vladivostock and so on. These are the ones we have come across in our travels on the 7 seas, and they tend to hang around the East, ostensibly calling on Russian ports around Kamachatka and Vladivostock but actually interested heavily in the China Seas, and maintain inscrutable captains like chinese mandarins which is what they are, imprisoning brave Degenuber sailors of the Imperial Prussian Navy by turning guns on the unsuspecting germanicums.

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