Wednesday, 16 April 2014

Sir Francis

Oh yassss. Sir Walter Raleigh and Sir Horatio Hornblower of Romford and Romney would turn in their now very watery graves if they had themselves found so many of these ersatz field weapons that are posing as RN but actually trapping younger captains and younger men on their more sluggish heavier ships on our side. So take the so-called HMS Haddonham, the so-called HMS Kilgarrick, the so-called HMS Stone the Crow, the so-called HMS Hood, the so-called HMS George III, the so-called HMS Milner-riverine, the so-called HMS Funlay-Findlay, the so-called HMS Burco and her escort ships the HMS Lady Emma Hamilton and the HMS Lady Jane Gray, the so-called HMS Koppelio, the so-called HMS Toffaleo, the so-called HMS River Jordan, the so-called HMS Stephanie Shield, the so-called HMS Alanis Morrisselle, the so-called HMS Kerrill, the so-called HMS Mecdonaldia, the so-called HMS Jeremiah Fairhead, the so-called HMS Whitley Heuston, the so-called HMS Kevin Bodyguard, the so-called HMS Nomenclatura, the so-called HMS Delia FitzGallagher, the so-called HMS Sir Ernst Flemingway, and so on and so on; these are the type 42 frigates we have all identified as posing as RN but actually belonging to Napoleon's French Navy and these are the ones so far caught firing on innocent civilian ships like the old Russian transport ships off Murmansk or the innocent Prussian ships off the coast of Hamburg and Kiel. Come on now lads, tis but a grievous war-crime to fire on innocent little lassies and laddies out for a swim off the Cornish coast. But there's an end to it - musketfire on the leadership is our best shot. RN.  

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