Sunday, 6 April 2014


Well glottle my epiwhotnots, there is a fine sight for old eyes, and old sea eyes these are indeed of an old sea dog himself, it must be said, as we see in our spyglass a set of square sails of a tedious pair of couples, an old square rigger called the SS Kiln Greene and its sister ship the SS Hughie Green, and an old cruiser called the SS Whitmash and the SS Sproggit, cruising these ancient warm waters, oddly enough with old Royal out-of-date enseigns but actually French men of war which we might have to engage, possibly with the HMS Repulse, the HMS Reading, the HMS Woolhampton and the middle term cruiser the HMS Stonehouse, built to a new design by Isambard Kingdom Brunelle; just to see off a nasty spate of double-dealing, double poleaxing, and above all double crossing Napoleonics, who should know better than to commit treason and espionage on the high seas in other people's colours. Slightly over-blown, sewn by their own sailors, and somewhat out-of-date with union jacks that are upside down - and being a bunch of secular republicans as they are, no sense that the union jack is a christian flag of christian alliances, showing forth the 6 christian crosses of christian saints; the red cross of St George (England), the white cross of St Piran (Cornwall), the white diagonal cross of St David (Wales), the blue and white diagonal of St Andrew (Scotland), the blue cross vertical of St Edmund (East Anglia), and the red and white diagonal of St Patrick (Ireland). Anyway we shall let off a broadside at these secular republican shadowy lounge lizards.

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