But quite what the Fates had in store for the Allied Armies was a mystery, since suddenly without knowing how, the USS Crowmac sent an emergency 1812 signal to the Prussian Allies that something had to be done about the potential defection and escape and diversion of Napoleon from the North Sea, and only the Prussian Fleet was right there nearby to do something significant for their Allies in the Germanic Sea, and thus cut off the escape routes of the rebel commander and rogue leader Napoleon. So without warning suddenly off the starboard bows of the chief flotilla, on the far side of the French Fleet, we saw the sails of the Prussian men of war - they had arrived, and all because of an accidental message the USS Crowmac fired off in one of his drunken stupours to his Irish Allies, something about the service of the Twelve Tables in Rome far away, nobody knows what the signal contained but somehow as if by magic, just as the French the enemies of liberty were getting away, the Prussian Navy arrived - an impressive sight with all their glistening guns. Napoleon was gutted - the Germans were now in the North Germanic Sea - all was lost as the real person turned up in his black uniform, Admiral Blucher. The show was over. Germans hard hitters.
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