One of the problems of the northern fleets of the RN in the Norwegian Sea is that from time to time, the seductions of the simplicity of the French Revolution of 1789 bewitches grey mediocre Sixth Form minds of ships like the HMS Guardian, and so too one example of a ship that went over to the pirates was the HMS Solihull who was seduced into error by the Austrian captains speaking poor low grade German with a comediac accent if they only knew, and these were the captains of the SS Schonheit, the SS Weg, the SS Gottweig the old problem again, the SS Legion under Capt Mariana, the SS Kristoffs and the SS Linz, since those captains practised a low grade mission on the high seas, stealing in to the slutshaming kind of port near the Adriatic from time to time, so the Captainess of the SS Solihull did not think her trips away from her HMS Hubby went observed, but she was eventually caught down south on the south coast plying her new trade with a new ship the SS San Riccardo Pampuri, a much pampered ship of the French line led by the vieni vieni Duke of Anjou. She was caught eventually by the great and brave ships of the RN, the HMS Baddesley, the HMS Knoxall, and the HMS Coombe while on intercept duty in the Red Sea, herself heavily laid low by her enduring weakness for Scarlet Fever, caught red handed, finger in the till, a brave girl but a traitor to the Austrians. Traitors do occur.
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