Wednesday, 13 December 2023

SS Adeste Fideles

 Among the ships of the line of the men of war out of the ports of the Napoleonic Venerabile squadrons, there are some ships which have been named after religious subjects, like the SS Adeste Fideles or the SS Alme Siderum for instance though their leader on the flagship the SS Vincent Wang does not like that one because it is too cosmological for their very flat earth society primitive impostaziones, and we are assuming that with the Adeste Fideles the season of Advent is nobly and worthily celebrated in the college precincts and harbours, though with the presidency of the liturgical terrorists in the precincts of the home harbour there, Advent is not celebrated well nor is Christmas properly celebrated until the last moment on the Feast of Adam and Eve, crazily the 24th while the terrorists refuse to let the boys put up their decorations inside the home harbour, again not liked by the grey admirals of the SS Vincent Wang, with all the respect for holy custom that will be a feature of that holy island they will eventually journey to in the SS End of Days. So anyway, those are two or three religious titled ships that cover their men of war footing in that Venerabile port. So too the SS Dulcis Memoria which is supposed to bring out the sweet harmony in the tunes and lays and songs of the collegium omnium but in fact is somewhat bitterly celebrated come this time of year. A bitter war this one, with lots of firing of incendiaries from the French ships of the Napoleonic side. The RN steps back from it all and keeps an eye on the pirates of the Port Royal and their leader Capt Sparrow plus also a watchful baleful glare on the slavery ships of the Atlantic Conveyors even when these are threatened by the Argentine Navy, the Armada 1588 as it is now called, led by the yellow admiral of Capt Bergerac in his Argie Bargie flagships the SS Laudate Deum and the SS Venti Cinco de Mayo, deploying many ships in the South Atlantic and the Caribbean. Tough times, tough decisions for the Royal Navy of les alliances. We must pray - Oremus ad invicem.

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