Wednesday, 13 December 2023

USS Corpus Christi

Some navies do like to insert religious names onto their ships, even onto their men of war, and this is the case with the Venerabile squadron of the Napoleonic Forces in recent years, hence the nomenclatura above. It does not take an Einstein to work out where such things lead to in the long run. This is the Einstein that despite his best efforts and a long, difficult defence or viva did fail his doctorate. The famous Einstein, not so glamorous a beginning as is often imagined. But we all have to begin somewhere. Einstein like Galileo was a college drop out and some Venerabiles know this too. Galileo began his career studying medicine and then dropped out and became a maths prof elsewhere. Anyway it is like calling a nuclear submarine the Corpus Christi after the city in Texas, can be misunderstood. So too the ships of the Napoleonic line have a tendency to tempt the fates somewhat by giving religious names to their activities, just when the astute observer can spot the underlying politics of their cause. Same difference.   

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